
Kyoto life support | how to apply the Employees’ Pension Insurance refund ( Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments)

If you planning to leave japan and will not have japan address anymore(you will not come beck to japan), you have the right to apply the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments(within 2 years ).

# Here are some explanation in English for how to do from the Japan Pension Service official website

# And the Japan Pension Service official website

* You must participate in the Employees’ Pension Insurance over half-year.
* The maximum they will refund you is until 3 years, over that you will only get the maximum.

**Before quitting the job:

1st, you need to go to the Japan Pension Service office nearby you(e.g. Kyoto Shimokyoku Japan Pension Service) to check that how long you have participated in the Employees’ Pension Insurance and also you can ask the Pension Service staff to calculate the amount of your refund (you need to tell them when you will quit the job).
* After consulting do not forget to ask them to give you the paper of application for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments(they have English and Japanese version, it's up to you.)
* For consulting your pension insurance statement, you need to show them your residence card and the Pension Handbook (the blue one, it's very important item for each part of all the processes. )

***After quitting the job:

Ask company to give you the certification of releasing from the job and certification of Withholding Income Tax.(when you get the refund, the japan government will deduct you the income tax again directly as the refund also kind of income: )  you need to apply the tax refund again to got the full amount.  this document takes time, it's better to ask company earlier.)

****Before leaving Japan

1st, one week before leaving(the earliest), you need to go to the Household Registration Office to change the address to the one in your country (where you will move ). 

2nd, go to the ministry of finance office that you belong to apply the tax agent( need one friend who live in japan to sign. ) maybe you need to go twice. one for getting the paper and take it to your friend to sign, one for submitting it.

*****After coming back to your country

Fill out the application paper and send it back to the Japan Pension Service office immediately because it takes you 3-6 months to get the refund.
* Before sending the application back to Japan, please check that you have the following items in the envelope or you can't apply it sucessfully :

  “ the blue note is very important, do not lose or forget it and good luck! ”



京都市集|森の手づくり市 舒服的逛下鴨神社森林市集 Mori no handmade market

京都冬日手作市集-下鴨神社森林市集 各式各樣的手作品還有飲食店, 還會有音樂表演活動持續一整天。 冬日年末將至,市集上好多應景攤位, 毛線帽手套圍巾,還有聖誕花圈的花藝攤位。 坐在下鴨神社裡的小河旁,伴著楓樹美景和音樂表演, 吃著剛從市集買來熱騰騰的披薩和手沖咖啡。 飯飽喝足後,細細地逛起繽紛多元的攤位。 療癒身心的市集:) 森林市集彩色帳篷們 下鴨神社楓紅 市集閒逛 森の手づくり市・下鴨神社 http://monocro.info/moritedu/

京都美食|清水寺三年坂隱藏美食食堂エンドウ Shokudou Endo

食堂エンドウ在清水寺附近,但很隱密。 樸素小巧的店面,不仔細看很容易錯過。 是我到清水寺附近上班的話,必吃的午餐。 吃到老闆願意在繁忙的時候幫我做外帶:) 後來去了一陣子東京,一回到京都還是非常想念這裡的鮪魚丼飯。 一進到店裡,老闆娘就很親切的問候許久不見。 食物跟待人都很溫暖。 當初會認識這家店,是公司主管的推薦, 一直催促我這個愛吃鬼一定要去試試看。 每次見面都問去吃了沒。 果真一試成主顧。 聽說受過日本的美食節目採訪。 店裡面不大,座位不多。 正餐時間有可能需要等一下。 鮪魚丼飯的選擇不少。 有山藥鮪魚.泡菜鮪魚.豆腐鮪魚.酪梨鮪魚等。 也有定食套餐可以選擇。 我推薦鮪魚丼飯系列。 每個口味我都試過一輪。 鮪魚丼淋上特殊調製的醬汁,非常濃郁下飯。 配料方面,我最喜歡搭配豆腐。 原本的鮪魚丼已經是十分的濃郁,充滿麻油香氣。 搭配上清爽的豆腐,和生蛋一起攪拌,平衡一下,非常的對味。 天冷如果想吃辣, 可以選搭配泡菜的,一般在日本買到的韓國泡菜幾乎都不怎麼辣。 但是在食堂エンドウ,辣味有被提出來,非常好吃, 沒想到鮪魚跟泡菜也可以是好朋友。 山藥鮪魚丼飯大概是日本人的人氣第一名, 推薦我的同事也是最愛這個。 其實跟豆腐有異曲同工之妙,比起豆腐多了滑潤的食感。 不過對我來說,黏糊糊有點負擔,還是喜歡搭豆腐多一些。 數不清到底吃過多少次,大概只要經過清水寺一帶,就要劃上一次這麼多。 食堂エンドウ / shokudou endo 京都府京都市東山區清水2-241-4


舍人公園是一個占地很廣的公園。 可以野餐BBQ,非常適合帶小朋友來玩到斷電。 夏天還有戲水區可以給小朋友玩耍。 園區內的櫻花數量非常的多,品種也很豐富。 絕對不會發生人擠人的情形,相反的要注意保暖, 風颳起來的時候,因為太空曠,很容易就著涼。 這裡也是約會聖地,大家各自佔領小角落,誰也不會打擾誰, 配合開通11週年日暮里舍人線的開通,今年也有盛大的千本櫻花祭。 不過如果不是在櫻花祭這兩天來賞櫻,千萬要在來之前先準備好糧食。 野餐千萬事先準備。這裡園區非常大,平常除了大自然什麼也沒有, 連買個自動販賣機的飲料都走到腿要斷了。 舍人公園千本櫻花祭 4/6-4/7 10:00-16:00 https://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/event/42927.html 很空曠,可以有自己的小角落 幅員遼闊,可以騎腳踏車 很好約會的地方 天氣好的時候大家會在樹下野餐 接近天黑,大家都回家了 千株櫻花樹的壯觀 夏天會有水可以玩