

目前顯示的是 12月, 2017的文章

Kyoto life support | how to apply the Employees’ Pension Insurance refund ( Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments)

If you planning to leave japan and will not have japan address anymore(you will not come beck to japan), you have the right to apply the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments(within 2 years ). # Here are some explanation in English for how to do from the Japan Pension Service official website http://www.nenkin.go.jp/service/jukyu/sonota-kyufu/dattai-ichiji/20150406.files/A.pdf # And the Japan Pension Service official website http://www.nenkin.go.jp/service/jukyu/sonota-kyufu/dattai-ichiji/20150406.html * You must participate in the Employees’ Pension Insurance over half-year. * The maximum they will refund you is until 3 years, over that you will only get the maximum. **Before quitting the job: 1st, you need to go to the Japan Pension Service office nearby you(e.g. Kyoto Shimokyoku Japan Pension Service) to check that how long you have participated in the Employees’ Pension Insurance and also you can ask the Pension Service staff to calculate the amount of your refund (you need to